2011 Resolutions

As you see on my home page, on my first post it has my new year resolutions. They are just 10 of my near 50 Resolutions! When it was Christmas day and i was spending the whole time with my family which i admit i don't do enough, i realised that there's so many things i want to change about myself.. i know i'm not a bad person but there's certain things about me that may get up peoples noses and make them think i'm snobby or spoilt and they may even start to not like me so i've decided to make a list of all the things i'd like to change about myself and what i plan (20)

The resolutions;
1. Stop thinking that everyone earns the same as me!
2. Show much much more love to my family, even though i don't see it alot of the time, they are trying to give me a good life and give me as much as they can, especially my Nanny and Granddad
3. Stop being so bitchy towards people that do one thing to annoy me, just because they do one thing different like me, even if it is the wrong way, don'y just jump into bitchiness, think about why it annoyed me and if its really worth wasting my breath about it
4. Lose at least 3 stone, i need to stop feeling so self conscience about myself so the only real solution to that is to lose weight, i know people think it anyway
5. Stop social networking so much, i need to get a life and start studying!
6. Revise constantly, even in the shower just keep revising so i can achieve A* to C grades in my GCSE's
7. Stop bitchiness all together
8. Stop lying to my parents, it may mean less trouble than actually lying and getting caught
9. Get into Sixth Form
10. Stop being so goddam emotional, it gets other people down and me!
11. Clear out my wardrobe with stuff i never wear and buy clothes i will actually wear one day!
12. Redecorate my room, i'm sick of seeing the same thing i've been seeing for the past 2 years!
13. Learn to Jerk (Dance)!
14. Start liking vegetables and maybe even fish!, i need to get healthy!
15. Start exercising, Zumba sounds like such a good idea!
16. Read ATLEEAST 50 books! i need to improve my vocabulary!
17. Tidy up my room for once! It doesnt bother me but it deffo bothers my parents 
18. Wear my bloody retainer! i had braces for 9 months for no reason!
19. I know this sounds really stupid, but i've never been in love, yeah i've fancied people but i've never felt like i love someone, i was close to it with someone but it wasn't true love.. So i think this year i would like to fall in love with someone this year, maybe even get a boyfriend
20. Keep updating my Blog! I'm starting to like this :D

Well this is just a few of my many resolutions, i didn't wanna swamp you with every single thing i'd like to do this year! I'll keep you updated if i have any more resolutions I'd like to share with you, Fingers crossed i manage to keep those ones up before i think of other ones!
Bye bye for now
Sasha xxx